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Handmade with: 4mm,6mm swarovski crystal, 8mm wood beads,sterling silver or gold filled clasp. Prices may vary according to size. ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ____________
  Hecho a mano con: cristal Swarovski de 4 mm, de 6mm, cuentas de 8 mm de madera, broche de plata esterlina o goldfill. Precios pueden variar dependiendo el tamano.
What orisha would you like/ Cual Orisha desea? You can order it in one whole Orisha/Usted puede escogerlo completo en un solo Orisha

Orula Groups Ilde/ Ilde de Macito Orula L/XL

    Crystal Modern Trends Copyright ©2011-2012. Handmade Jewelry. All products are copyright reserved. No partial or total reproduction are allowed on our products, no returns, no refund, or exchanges. Prices may change without notice.
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